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Who We Are

The H²O Experience, Inc., is a Community-based organization providing a very unique suite of services in undeserved communities across the Greater Baton Rouge area and the Southeast Louisiana Region.
From our headquarter office in the 70805 zip code, the platform of programmatized services The H²O Experience, Inc., provides to our community are:
Community Revitalization & Housing (The BILD’N805 Program)
Mental Health & Social Services (The 805Solutions Program)
Improving Student Scores and Changing Lives (The H2O Academy)
ReEntry Citizen Services (The ReEntry805 Program)
Community Development/Education (The 805Resources Initiative)

Meet Our Leadership

Apostle Johnny Young Jr. Psy.D, THD.


Dr. Debra Spruel- Charles

Executive Director

Dr. Homer N.Charles Psy.D

Director of Operations

Makeda M. Frazier

Sr. Program Administrator

Meet Our Board Of Directors

Sclynski Legier, JD


Alisha Thompson, MHA

Healthcare Administrator

Dr. John Shorter


Dr. Kathy Ferguson

Financial Consultant

Dr. Sadairea August


Tim West


Abigail Johnson Williams

Bus. Dev. Specialist & Author

More About The H2O Experience
The H2O Experience Incorporated has been established as the Non-Profit, Community-Development, Community outreach platform for Heavenly H.O.P.E. Ministries as the ministry enters into a new phase of its growth and development.

Established as a ministry in 2003, Heavenly H.O.P.E. Ministries has become a beacon of light and an agent of change throughout its headquarters community of East Baton Rouge Parish and throughout the State of Louisiana.

Now housed in a sprawling 30,000 square foot campus in Mid-City Baton Rouge, Heavenly H.O.P.E. Ministries had its beginnings as a weekly Bible Study in the apartment of its founder Bishop Dr. Johnny B. Young, Jr. Through a commitment to only sharing the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the Rights of the Believer in the Kingdom, the ministry grew through several iterations from an apartment South Baton Rouge, to a portion of a warehouse, to a storefront in Baker, Louisiana to its current U.S. headquarters in The City of Baton Rouge.
In its nearly 20 year history, Heavenly H.O.P.E. Ministries has developed a ministerial teaching style that has been reproduced in 10 % of Louisiana's 66 parishes and in 2019 added a satellite campus in 1 county in North Carolina.

It’s ministerial teaching program operates under the banner H.O.P.E. Bible Institute (HBI). As an accredited educational institution, HBI, in 2019 graduated nearly 300 students.

Conferring 120+ Bachelor of Theology degrees, 110 Masters of Theology and Religious Studies degrees and nearly 90 Doctorate of Christian Counselling degrees.
Having successfully managed its infancy and teenage years, Heavenly H.O.P.E. Ministries is entering adulthood with its eyes wide open and with a purpose.

After having successfully acquired nearly a half-Million dollars worth of real estate in the 70805 zip code in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the ministry is unveiling its newest platform aimed at directly impacting the lives of residents in what most data generating outfits call “ the 3rd poorest zip code in the State of Louisiana”.
With a population of nearly 30,000 households, the predominantly African American zip code is statiscally home to failing schools, high unemployment, and high crime.

However, with boots on the ground, The H2O Experience Incorporated realizes that while these stats come at a cost, one person’s cost is another persons income. As such, we realize that someone makes income from this area being infested with the woes of society.